
The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement for the United States Republic of Adamsland (AARM-USRA) is an entertaining government initiative outlined in The Program To AARM Manifesto, written by PT Morelli and made available in the year 2011. The AARM-USRA government is on a location that The Program To AARM Manifesto describes as being called “Adamsland”, which is a territory designated for those Adamite families fleeing a modern day civil war in the USA, and to flee the everyday crimes of violence, to include meth, heroin, school yard massacres, election fraud and election rigging, Russian meddling, police brutality, street riots, taxation without representation, growing debt system, rape culture, paedophile culture, Internet suppression of freedom of speech and expression, and other intolerable crimes. Adamsland is the location whereon the Adamite man, Adamite woman, and the Adamite child is to be settled to be free from all of that. The Program To AARM Manifesto also describes in detail the type of government that the AARM-USRA is, and how it is to govern on Adamsland to protect and serve the Adamic Race.

The “Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement for the United States Republic of Adamsland”, or the AARM-USRA government, is a government initiative project located on the Pacific Northwest to protect and serve the Adamic Race. The AARM-USRA government’s mottos are “In God We Trust”, “Individual Liberty, Sovereignty and Identity”, “When a government stops working for us, we start working for a new government” and “We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children.”

The Great Seal of the AARM-USRA (Suppressed from view)

The Racial Anthem: None

Capitol City: Calgary, Alberta

Official Language: Adamic English

Ethnic groups: Adamic/White

Ancestry: German, English

Religion: Adamic

Denonym: Adamic Race (Collective) or Adamite (Individual)

Government: Meritocratic federal republic

Assembly: Composed of a Supreme High Council; Council of the Board; Executive Ranks of the Assembly Chain of Command; General High Council Conference

Supreme High Council: Chief Judge; Senior Chair of the Assembly; Senior Chair of the Movement; Chief Advisors of the Assembly; Chief Advisors of the Movement

Chief Judge: PT Morelli

Council of the Board: Chief Treasurer; Cabinet Members; Financiers

Chief Treasurer: (Vacant)

Executive Ranks of the Assembly Chain of Command: President of the Assembly; State Governors

President of the Assembly: (Vacant)

General High Council Conference: Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch

House of Representatives: Speaker of the Assembly for the United States Republic of Adamsland House of Representatives (USRAHR) (Vacant)

Senate: President pro tempore of the Senate (Vice President of the Assembly), Secretary of State (Head of the Department for Strategic Defense of Adamsland (DSDA), with twenty-two Senators total. (Vacant)

Supreme Court: Seven Justices (Vacant)


United States Territorial Armed Forces (USTAF): USTAF Supreme Commander

Security Council (SC): Security Council Director and Chief

Branch on Progressive Development (BPD): BPD Chief Consul

Citizen: (Undisclosed Record)

Global status: Sovereign; independence from the UNITED STATES, United States of America, and the CROWN (Commonwealth)

Declaration: July 4, 1776

Contracting documents: Declaration of Independence, Articles of Redemption, The Program To AARM Manifesto

Area: (Undisclosed Record)

Population: (Undisclosed Record)

GDP: (Undisclosed Record)

Currency: Credit/Quantity (Q+)

The Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement for the United States Republic of Adamsland, referred to as the “AARM-USRA government”, or simply “Adamsland”, is a meritocratic federal republic, divided by eleven (11) federal Republic states. Each state is its own country with its own constitution and its own flag and state Seal. The Capitol of the AARM-USRA government is Calgary, Alberta, but each of the eleven states have their own capitol located in their own state.

States are free and sovereign countries. Each state has their own state Citizens who serve as the Jury in a Court of Law’s Trial by Jury to make decisions for the inhabitants and other Citizens throughout Adamsland.

Each Citizen is protected by Adamic Common Law, or Adamic Law. This means that the Citizen is a government agent of their own. They are not subject to any debt, nor are they held by a contract owned by a creditor. Each Citizen is a creditor and holds the power to form their own Court.

There are many major cities on Adamsland. Each city is protected by the Citizen. The Citzen’s duty is to protect the United States Republic of Adamsland and the borders of Adamsland by serving for or in the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement.

Adamsland borders consists of Aztlan, California Republic, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, the Midwest and Manitoba.

Adamsland is benefited by the long coastal range of the Pacific Ocean. This helps Adamsland with becoming a sea faring Country.

AARM-USRA Government Overview

Sustainability And Sovereign Status:

The AARM-USRA is not subject to the UNITED STATES (U.S.), United States of America (USA) or the United Nations (UN), World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization of American States (OAS) or any other international organizations. This benefits the People and Citizens on Adamsland, and it also has some risk factors as well. The benefit is that the Citizen is not a part of the “National debt crisis” debt system, and the AARM-USRA government is not a part of the debt system. This relieves them from the burden of debt, which would otherwise mean that they would be subjected to the creditors owning the debt. But since the AARM-USRA and the Citizen are both creditors themselves, they are relieved of the burden of paying huge fees and taxes, and other financial burdens to weigh the cost of owing back the debt. The AARM-USRA is instead a production system, allowing the People as Citizens and creditors to own their own property, hold their own insurance and liability, and have free range rights to the entire Pacific Northwest as travelers on Adamsland. The downside of the AARM-USRA and Citizen being free of the UN, USA and other international organization is the threat they face of being attacked on all fronts. The UN is a war organization and is restricted from being on Adamsland. The UNITED STATES is also restricted from entering Adamsland. Adamsland is protected as a sovereign Country by the AARM-USRA government, and this means that the Pacific Northwest is solely self-sufficient from outside sources. This also means that the Citizen is self-sufficient, self-sustaining their own plot of land on what they call a “homestead”, and each state is self-sufficient, sustaining their own state within the jurisdiction of the United States Republic of Adamsland.

AARM is one government organized to serve and protect the USRA (territory) and the states from invasion and from domestic terrorism, and protects the Citizen’s right to a free and sovereign lifestyle. To sustain the AARM-USRA government, the Citizens are allowed to produce their own fuels, their own resources and their own currency. And the AARM-USRA government, along with eleven states, are prohibited to form treaties with international organizations. It can trade for goods with other governments and other countries or organizations, but it cannot form treaties with them. The AARM-USRA is also forbidden from creating alliances or hiring contractors for its own defense, or aiding in the defense of other governments or organizations.

The Sovereign Government:

The AARM-USRA is the Adamic World’s first non-debtor government, surviving the original United States of America (the Republic) founded in 1776. The AARM-USRA is several governments united. And of the several governments are two pillar governments. There is the ‘Assembly’ as one government pillar, which is further divided by checks and balances, composing of the Supreme High Council, Council of the Board, Executive Ranks of the Assembly Chain of Command, and the General High Council Conference. Then there is the ‘Movement’, which is the other government pillar, with the United States Territorial Armed Forces, Security Council, Branch on Progressive Development, and the Citizen.

The Supreme High Council is led by the Chief Judge who presides over both the Assembly and the Movement [AARM-USRA]. He or she has the role of being the lawyer and advocate for the People of Adamsland and the Lawyer for the AARM-USRA government.

There are two leading Senior Chairs who council the Chief Judge. One Senior Chair is head of the Assembly, and one Senior Chair is head of the Movement. The Senior Chair leaders are leading defenders and prosecutors of their own jurisdiction. Without them, the Chief Judge is powerless. The Senior Chair receives the grievances and the final bills from the President of the Assembly, and determines the legality before signing them into Law. The Senior Chair leaders preside over the Chief Advisors. The Senior Chair of the Assembly presides over the Chief Advisors in the Assembly, and the Senior Chair of the Movement presides over the Chief Advisors in the Movement.

The Chief Advisors of the Assembly travel to inspect and advise the leaders in the Assembly. There is the Chief Advisor of the Council of the Board, the Chief Advisor of the Executive Ranks of the Assembly Chain of Command, Chief Advisor of the General High Council Conference and etc.

The Senior Chair of the Movement presides over the Chief Advisors of the Movement. There is the Chief Advisor of the USTAF, the Chief Advisor of the SC, the Chief Advisor of the BPD etc. The Chief Advisor of the Movement travels to advise and instruct the Movement organizations, and to act as Advisors for the Senior Chair of the Movement. And each Organization Leader takes their directives from the Chief Advisor over their own particular Movement Organization.


The Legislative Branch is where the Upper House [Senate] and Lower House [House of Representatives] are. Together, the Senate and the House of Representatives forms a Congress to make or take laws. The Senate represents the states, and the House of Representatives represents the Citizen/Juror. Their function is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.


The Executive Branch is where the executive decisions for the Movement are made. The Assembly is also led by the Executive Branch. The President of the Assembly is an elected Chief Executive of the United States Republic of Adamsland, and has executive powers over it. The function of the President of the Assembly is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.

The state Governors are elected executives over their state. The Governor has executive making and decision powers over their state. The role and function of the state Governor is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.


The Judicial Branch is where the Supreme Court Justices make rulings on the lawful and legal standing of the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto, in order to decide cases on matters arising between the Citizen, the AARM-USRA and Adamsland, as well as foreign issued claims. The Supreme Court Justices all decide on Federal level issues. Their function and role is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.


In Adamic society, the AARM-USRA government protects the right to individual liberty, sovereignty and identity of the Adamite man and Adamite woman. Because the man and woman is free of debt, they are masters of their own destiny. Their role on Adamsland as free and sovereign means they are Citizens, which implies that they are their own government. The Citizen is qualified to run for office and be appointed to a position in the Movement or Supreme Court. Their role as a Citizen is to vote for representatives, for the President of the Assembly, to lead and organize the Movement, and to serve as the Juror in criminal and civil court cases, according to the rules of the common Adamic law. Only the Grand Jury can summon someone to a Court. And only the Jury can sentence someone to prison or to be excommunicated from Adamsland. The role of the Jury is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.

Political Parties: None

Elections: Merit based elections and coordinated democracy.

Foreign Relations

Chief Judge:

The Chief Judge makes sure that no foreign entanglements infiltrate the AARM-USRA or Adamsland, but at the same time allows the individual Citizen the free right to travel abroad and domestically without being subjected to other jurisdictions. It is the Chief Judge’s role as their Advocate and Lawyer to protect them from other jurisdictions.

President of the Assembly:

The President of the Assembly has the role of traveling to the Assemblies both abroad and domestically to meet up with other foreign Prime Ministers, Presidents and dignitaries by either inviting them to Adamsland, or visiting them in their home country. The President of the Assembly accounts for the Citizen abroad and domestically. They protect the Citizen from being harmed by others from other jurisdictions both abroad and domestically. To protect the Citizen, the President of the Assembly has the Assembly to allow them sanctuary, and the USTAF and SC to protect the Assembly. The President of the Assembly also protects the states, and the borders from invasion using the USTAF and the SC. The Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto outlines the function and role of the President of the Assembly.


The Congress of the United States Republic of Adamsland has the power of the USRA’s purse, taxes, and military. The Congress also has powers to represent directly with both the state and the individual Citizen. The foreign relations powers of Congress is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.

What the AARM-USRA government thinks about the USA:

The United States of America is controlled by the UNITED STATES Corporation, a private international law organization. The UNITED STATES is also a debt system with literal subjects/slaves! Because the AARM-USRA government opposes the debt system and all forms of slavery, it cannot have any trading relations with the UNITED STATES. Added, the UNITED STATES is subject to the United Nations, a Global war organization, the AARM-USRA has limited ties with the U.S. citizen, other than to advocate for their own right to redeem their sovereignty rights and escape the debt system.

Government Finance

Council of the Board:

The Council of the Board is responsible for the finances of the Assembly for Adamic Redemption Movement. To fund the USRA, the President of the Assembly or Congress receives all funds from AARM through the Council of the Board.

To obtain funds for the USRA, the Assembly and the Movement have to agree together on how much and where the funds will be dispersed. But to obtain the funds, the Chief Judge must sign the bill before a witnessing General Assembly, which takes place once every eight months. The role and function of the Council of the Board, as it pertains to funding and government finance, is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.


The power of the purse and taxes are the sole responsibility of the Congress of the United States Republic of Adamsland. Congress decides on new taxes, how much to be taxed, and how to fund the USRA. It is their responsibility to make sure that AARM is being fair and useful to the USRA. Congress funds the military, it finances homeland security as well. The way that Congress funds the USRA is outlined in the Articles of Redemption and The Program To AARM Manifesto.

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